• Phone: 615-593-8256
  • Fax: 615-736-7591
Helping you live the best of your life with us

To apply caution when it comes to potential accidents, injuries, or illnesses, MEMANABEL ASSISTED LIVING HOME CARE provides healthcare services that are customized to each residents’ specific needs. Through these services, we minimize doctor visits, ambulance rides, and sometimes hospital stays, to non-life-threatening medical emergencies. We understand that spending time in the hospital can take a serious toll on residents or can trigger them to experience stress and anxiety. So to avoid these situations, we have on-call physicians and nurses to provide our residents with regular medical checkups.

We offer:

  • Emergency first aid
  • Medication management
  • Pharmacy services
  • Medical records maintenance

For concerns about the care we provided in our assisted living homes, please feel free to contact us.